Visitor Information

COVID-19 Updates, Information and Visiting Restrictions


We are committed to providing a patient care environment that supports patient’s relationships with family and friends. While your visit is very important for helping your loved one to recover, there are a few responsibilities you have when visiting Nacogdoches Medical Center:

  • Ensure your children are supervised at the hospital by an adult other than the patient
  • Please do not visit for 24 hours after showing signs of illness such as:
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Runny Nose
    • Open Sores
    • Sore Throat
  • Thoroughly wash or sanitize your hands before entering a patient room or having contact with the patient
  • In order to protect our littlest patients, visitation to newborns and recovering moms is restricted to those over 12 or siblings of the new baby. Please check in with the security guard in our Women’s Center for a wristband to make future visits even easier. 

Making a Visit

It’s also important to know about our hospital visitor policy before your visit. Following is information about our hospital visitor policy, including who may visit and when:

  • Patients may choose who may and may not visit during their hospital stay.
  • Patients may withdraw or deny permission for visitation at any time.
  • Patients (or their support person) may limit the privileges of visitors, including providing for more limited visiting for some visitors than others.
  • Clinical reasons may limit the number of visitors at the bedside at one time. 

Reasons for Limiting Visitation

Visitation may be limited by the hospital due to the following potential reasons:

  • Need for rest or privacy
  • Need for privacy or rest by another individual in your shared room
  • Clinical interventions, therapy or procedures where the health care provider believes limited visitation is best
  • Risk of infection
  • Extraordinary protections because of a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak.
  • Substance abuse treatment protocols requiring restricted visitation
  • A court order limiting or restraining contact
  • Threatening or disruptive behavior directed at you or hospital staff 

The above limitations are mandated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Clinical necessity may warrant the need for caregivers to limit the number of visitors at any one time.